School Data Hub

If you have added your Program Session Rosters and Consents in the OST Impact Data section, you can view available school data below.



Academic Data Dashboards


Excused absences are often alarmingly overlooked in elementary and high schools. Elementary children lack essential Reading or Math skills needed to progress in class. If we add up all the chronic absences in a child from the KG through  3rd Grade, they have missed nearly half a year of school instruction. Despite so many challenges and the massive hindrance that chronic absenteeism poses, the problem is solvable.

Report & Chart


Grade point average is a global measure of student success. Elementary GPAs have strongpredictive power over high school academic achievement and High School GPAs of College performance.

Tabular Report

Org GPA Pattern

County GPA Pattern

Kindergarten Readiness – KRA

All children deserve a strong start at the beginning of school. Summit Education Initiative works in partnership with the Early Care and Education team of the Summit County First Things First collaborative to increase kindergarten readiness and school success at this first critical transition point. 

On/Off Track Totals & Table

3rd Grade Reading Proficiency

Reading skills at the end of third grade are one of the strongest predictors of student success for years to come. Reading can open doors to increased opportunities for learning.

On/Off Track Totals & Table

8th Grade Math

Middle school is a critical time for students, especially when it comes to mathematics. Math becomes more challenging during the middle school years. Students who finish eighth grade with skills above the minimum standards are far more likely to be successful in high school and to graduate prepared for high-skilled careers and college. Unfortunately, less than half of all students demonstrate strong math skills by the end of eighth grade. 

On/Off Track Totals & Table

9th Grade Success – 3065

A good start to high school sets a foundation for success that lasts for years. Students who have a good start are sometimes more than four times as likely to graduate prepared for career and college, compared with their peers. But transitioning to high school isn’t always easy. Some students struggle with attendance issues, passing courses or earning strong grades. 

On/Off Track Totals & Table

College and Career Readiness

After high school, students follow a variety of pathways into adulthood. Our goal is to prepare students for success in any career or college pathway they choose. For most pathways, the skills needed for success are similar. 

On/Off Track Totals & Table

Ohio State Test Proficiency – Coming Soon!



Student Report Cards – Coming Soon!

Report Cards